Tracking Virtual Event Attendance
Attendance tracking in virtual events enables users and business admins to review details about the outcome of a virtual event. Information is captured about the event itself, for example, the event’s start time, duration, and engagement minutes, as well as logistical information, for example, if the event had a practice session containing only internal users.
Information is also captured about each of the event’s attendees, for example, when they joined or left the event, and the IP address of the device used to join the meeting.
Data is stored in Remote_Meeting_vod and Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod records and is available in CRM as it becomes available from Zoom, making it easier for users who review event attendance information to quickly review information about a recent virtual event.
Who Can Use this Feature?
- Platforms – Browser, iPad
- Licensing – Available to users with Virtual Events
- Users – Integration users, end users
Configuring Virtual Meeting Attendance Tracking
Integration Users
To configure this feature for integration users:
- Ensure the Engage Attendance Report Process is enabled.
Grant the following permissions:
Object OLS Record Types Fields FLS EM_Event_Speaker_vod
CRU n/a - Status_vod
- Override_Lock_vod
- Attendance_Type_vod*
Edit EM_Attendee_vod
CRU n/a - Status_vod
- Override_Lock_vod
- Attendance_Type_vod*
Edit EM_Event_vod
- Engage_Webinar_vod
- Webinar_Status_vod
- Status_vod
Read Remote_Meeting_vod
- Attendance_Report_Process_Status_vod
- Latest_Meeting_Start_Datetime_vod
- VExternal_ID_vod
- Engagement_Minutes_vod*
- EM_Attendee_vod
- EM_Speaker_vod
- Event_vod
- User_vod
- Account_vod
- IP_Address_vod*
* This field is optional.
End Users
To configure this feature for end users:
Ensure Hosting a Virtual Event using Engage is enabled.
Grant the following permissions:
Object OLS Record Types Fields FLS EM_Event_Speaker_vod
CRU n/a - Status_vod
- Attendance_Type_vod*
Edit EM_Attendee_vod
CRU n/a - Status_vod
- Attendance_Type_vod*
Edit Remote_Meeting_vod
- VExternal_ID_vod
* This field is optional.
Tracking Virtual Event Attendance
Attendance tracking information is stored in four types of records:
- Remote_Meeting_vod records
- Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod records
- EM_Attendee_vod records
- EM_Event_Speaker_vod records
See Using the Attendance Tracking Process for more information on viewing attendance information.
Information Stored in Remote_Meeting_vod Records
When a virtual event is scheduled, a unique ID for the event is generated and stamped on the VExternal_Id_vod field of the resulting Remote_Meeting_vod record.
The Meeting_Outcome_Status_vod picklist populates as soon as enough data is available to determine the status. The following values are available:
- Meeting Not Scheduled – The virtual event could not be scheduled
- Meeting Not Started – The virtual event was scheduled but never started
- Meeting Started, Details Not Available – The virtual event occurred but data is not yet available
- Meeting with Attendees – The virtual event occurred and attendance data is available
- Meeting with Speakers Only – The virtual event occurred but only speakers joined
- Meeting with Internal Users Only – The virtual event occurred with only host or alternative hosts
Even after the Meeting_Outcome_Status_vod picklist populates, the Attendance_Report_Process_Status_vod field remains blank until two days after the event status is closed or canceled. This is to ensure all relevant data is available.
After the virtual event is processed, the Engagement_Minutes_vod field populates with the amount of time, in minutes, that at least one external attendee was present in the event. See Enhanced Engage Attendance Tracking for more information on how engagement minutes are calculated.
Information Stored in Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod Records
When Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod records are generated and associated with the corresponding attendees and speakers that participated in the virtual event. The following fields populate:
- Account_vod – Populates for all records corresponding to attendees who joined via an Engage link. References the account corresponding to the attendee. This field is left blank if the attendee is the host or is a user attendee.
- Attendee_Type_vod – Populates based on the type of attendee. Available values are:
- Host_vod – The primary host
- Alternative_Host_vod – Team members added as Alternative Hosts
- External_Attendee_vod – Account or attendees who joined via Engage or Zoom
- User_Attendee_vod – CRM user attendees that are not the primary host or Alternative Hosts
- Speaker_vod – Event speakers
- Event_vod – References the EM_Event_vod record
- EM_Attendee_vod – References the EM_Attendee that joined
- EM_Event_Speaker_vod – References the EM_Event_Speaker that joined
- IP_Address_vod – References the IP address of the device the attendee used to join the meeting
- Status_vod – Attended_vod
If a participant is placed within the virtual waiting room and then admitted into the session, the system will track both instances of the join and leave times as two attendance records.
Information Stored in EM_Attendee_vod and EM_Event_Speaker_vod Records
When the Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod records are generated for event participants, the following fields on EM_Attendee_vod and EM_Event_Speaker_vod records associated with the event are also updated:
- Status_vod – Updates to Attended_vod
- Attendance_Type_vod – Updates to Virtual_vod
Viewing the Attendance Report Process History
Admins can review previous runs of the post-processing job from the Attendance Report Process History section of the Engage Meeting Process Administration tab. The Type column of this section can have one of two values and determines the type of information available for analysis for that virtual event:
- Events with VExternal ID – Virtual events scheduled after 23R2.2 are processed as Events with VExternal ID. These meetings are processed in the following ways:
- The Participant_ID_vod fields of all associated attendee records do not populate
- The following additional fields populate if the integration user has FLS edit permission to them:
- The Engagement_Minutes_vod field on the Remote_Meeting_vod object
- The Account_vod field on the Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod object
- The IP_Address_vod field on the Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod object
- Events without VExternal ID – Events scheduled and executed before 23R2.2 are processed as Events without VExternal ID. These meeting are processed in the following ways:
- The Attendance_Report_Process_Status_vod field populates with values depending on processing scenarios. Available values are:
- Meeting_Occurred_vod
- Retry_Attendance_vod
- Retry_Recording_vod
- Retries_Maxed_vod
- The Meeting_Outcome_Status_vod field does not populate on the Remote_Meeting_vod record
- The Attendee_Type_vod field does not populate on Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod records